Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Clinic Recheck #1: One More Week of IV Antibiotics

Hello friends. 

I’ve been out of the hospital for about 10 days and the transition to home was much more difficult than I expected. I knew that I would be responsible for administering my medications, but I did not realize what a challenge every single other thing would be. 

Here’s my “perfectly adherent day:”

6 am - IV zerbaxa 

9 am - IV meropenem; albuterol/saline nebs and airway clearance; Advair inhaler; morning pills; sinus rinse; breakfast insulin; long-acting insulin 

2 pm - IV zerbaxa; lunch insulin; vitamins

9 pm - IV meropenem; albuterol/saline nebs and airway clearance; tobi neb; Advair inhaler; night pills; sinus rinse; dinner insulin

Other - EAT, exercise, secure portable oxygen, feed and pet cats, clean my body, change clothes, keep my kitchen clean, refill meds, work on disability paperwork, text friends, talk to family, schedule appointments, stretch, rest, relax… blog. 

Take the perfectly adherent day, which has not happened a singe time since discharge, add in a smattering of “other” tasks that need attention, but which I have not had the attention to devote to them, and you will quickly see how I have had not the time, energy or (frankly) the inclination to update my blog. I have one more week to go on these two IV antibiotics.


My main symptoms right now are still shortness of breath and fatigue. Even by the short trips between rooms in my house, I can tell that my breathing and stamina are a little better every day. However, they are merely the first grains of sand falling through the hour glass - I’ve fallen so far behind, become so deconditioned from six months ago that I’m constantly reminded of how long, slow, tiring and frustrating the journey before me will be. It’s too easy to minimize small progress, but that’s my lesson to learn right now: Stay focused, stay present, and keep trekking.

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