Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hospital Update, Day 7

 Hello friends,

You likely know what a fan I am of long-winded updates, but this will not be that. I'm writing this to start a central place to keep everyone informed with my situation, which has become quite serious very quickly. If you wish to follow, you may click the "follow" button all the way at the end of text on the right-hand side, and you will be automatically emailed new posts.

Summary: In January, my lung function started to decline. By March, I was officially diagnosed with chronic rejection. This is a terminal condition: some people last years, some last weeks. Treatment options have very low success rates. The only "cure" is getting another lung transplant. (Much more later on that.)

When I entered the hospital this time, my lungs were a little above the "transplant window," a decline which had happened rapidly happened since January; and, I was fighting off a bad infection with very resistant bacteria. Given that my number one symptom is shortness of breath, I was having terrible trouble "catching" my breath at times, no matter how zen I was. I'm frequently short of breath at rest. I am back on intermittent oxygen. I am doing four inhaled meds per day and airway clearance consisting of the vest, acapella, and dragon breaths. My lungs are constantly wheezy, and my chest frequently feels "super tight." I have started using a roller-walker to improve my walking. Breathing through a mask in the hospital is torture!! I am back to so much of a similarity to the things of end-stage CF that it's just eerie.

It took the teams four days to decide which antibiotic to use. After the one antibiotic was on board and being tolerated, and after waiting for more test results and team consultations, a second antibiotic was decided upon. In an abundance of caution, they decided to desensitize me to this second med - giving me a little bit at a time so as to ward off any potential allergic reaction. The process went smoothly.

There is much much more to tell, but this is a good start. I don't have the energy for more...

THANK YOU so much to those who have helped, called, texted, and contributed. It has helped so much. If you want to help more, here's what I need: you. Come visit, send a card or balloons or flowers. If your job allows, please see if coming to spend a few days with me may be helpful, or things like cooking meals, giving me rides, doing errands. Any way you could give of yourself is beautiful. I am going to need a lot of help and support in the coming weeks (months?). I will also unshamelessly accept money donations.

Address: 66 Justin Ct., Durham NC 27705
PayPal: laurapancoast78[at]
Venmo: [at]Laura-Smith-895
Apple Pay: 919.605.7199
Anything else - please ask.

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