Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hospital, Day 9

 I’ve managed to inch through recovery enough that the docs and I agreed to discharge me tomorrow. I feel confident I can manage most of my meds on my own at home, and I have a friend staying a day or so to help me with the house and everything else until my step mom can drive down from Cleveland to stay with me for a bit. I’m so incredibly glad she is able and willing to do this. Three cheers for Nurse Mary Ann!! (In addition to her caring nature and desire to help others, she’s a retired nurse  

I’m still walking and talking with difficulty from lack of breath. I’m resting and eating well, but as soon as I’m unhooked from my IV, I take the opportunity to walk some laps. KEEP PUSHING. It’s one of the few things I can control right now. 

It’s hard to tell if I’m “feeling better” than when I came in as my shortness of breath and anxiety became much worse while here. My chest does feel somewhat clearer, and I’ve gotten a lot of junk out! The anxiety has also been addressed adequately for now. I seem to be on the right track. If I didn’t think I was, I wouldn’t be leaving.

When the first antibiotic was started, I felt fevered and funky for a couple of days. When the second antibiotic was started, I had to adjust to having both on board for a couple of days. Today, the duration of my two antibiotics was moved from 3 hrs to 1 hr and 3 hrs to 30 mins in order to be easier for me to manage at home. I have not noticed particular symptoms so far, but I know my body still needs a lot of respect and caring from me as I continue to heal. BEST case scenario from treating this infection is that I’m able to reclaim some of my lung function and my shortness of breath and fatigue will improve some, too.

That’s all for now. 



  1. Hey darling! I’m glad you’re going home! Wish I was closer, or able to fly out for some time to help. All I can do is send you so many hugs and love from Colorado

  2. I'm sure it's going to be hard, Laura, but keep on pushing through. I always say listen to your body. When you need rest, take rest. When you feel up to any form of activity, take advantage of the opportunity. Eventually, you should get your strength back. Best wishes that you continue to progress well.
